
Arjun M

Project Period: One year and three months

For the implementation of a Foundation Project by IFA which will engage sixth grade students of Government Higher Primary School in Chikka Hunasur, Hunasur taluk, Mysore district with the folk stories and songs of folk hero and saint Manteswamy, associated with the Neelagara community. Students will engage with the community and the musical instruments used by Neelagara artists, and the project will connect to their curriculum in languages and social science. The outcome of this project will be a performance and a publication. The Project Coordinator’s deliverables to IFA with the final report will include a copy of the publication, still and video documentation of the process and the performance. Project funds will pay for contract fees, performance, travel and living, documentation, hire of equipment, materials, and printing. 

Rani DM

Project Period: One year

For the implementation of a Foundation Project by IFA that will engage eight grade students of the Government High School in Hosahundi village, Mysore district with Interactive Theatre practice and its applications by encouraging them to build arguments and dialogues around themes and ideas based on their school curriculum. The outcome of this project will be a performance. The Project Coordinator’s deliverables to IFA with the Final Report will include still and video documentation of the process and the performance. Project funds will pay for contract fees, performance, materials, documentation, travel and living, workshop, food, printing, and equipment hire.

Shivakka P Kuravatti

Project Period: One year

For the implementation of a Foundation Project by IFA that will engage fifth, sixth, and seventh grade students of the Government Higher Primary School in Yadavagiri, Mysore district with the stories and traditional practices of a local rag picker community and a migrant community located near the school. Students will understand and document stories and traditional practices of these communities through the Hejjemela folk dance form, and connect it to their mathematics and language curriculum. The outcome of this project will be a performance. The Project Coordinator’s deliverables to IFA with the final report will include still and video documentation of the process and the performance. Project funds will pay for contract fees, performance, material, workshop, documentation, stationery, travel and living, food, and printing.