For the implementation of a Foundation Project by IFA that will create a multimedia installation using the forgotten subaltern literary and music genre Gujili Paatu of Madras from the early 20th century, and classical Sangam literature. Drawing from the real-life love stories of five women reported in newspapers, government reports, interviews, and journals, the project will examine the underlying connections among Sangam literature, Gujili Paatu and contemporary literary and artistic expressions to trace the continuum of the theme of love in Tamil cultural traditions. The outcome of this project will be a multimedia installation. The Project Coordinator’s deliverables to IFA, along with final reports, will be a copy of the installation as an experimental film. Project funds will pay for contract fees, production, travel and living, hire of equipment, and purchase of books.
For the implementation of a Foundation Project by IFA that will examine female agency in the visual production of everyday domestic objects in middle-class, urban India. The key figure of the project is the middle-class, educated ‘housewife’ or ‘homemaker’ who is not in full-time employment outside of the home but invests her skills within the domestic sphere of the DDA flats, a standard form of housing provided by the government for its residents across the city of Delhi. The outcomes of this project will be a monograph and audiovisual documentation from the field. The Project Coordinator’s deliverables to IFA with the final reports will be the monograph and audiovisual documentation. Project funds will pay for contract fees, audiovisual documentation, travel and living, and internet fees.
For the implementation of a Foundation Project titled DNT Children’s Lens implemented by IFA will engage a group of 40 students between sixth and eighth grade from denotified tribes Pardhi and Kanjar studying at Jeevan Shiksha Pahal, a school run by Muskaan in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh to document the oral histories, music and specific vocabulary of them through a series of multidisciplinary activities. The project attempts to foster a sense of identity among the children and prepare them to participate in mainstream deliberations. The outcome of the project will be three performances, a publication and a process document. The Project Coordinator’s deliverables to IFA with the final report will be photographs, the copies of the publication, the process document and video documentation of the entire project. Project funds will pay for contract fees, travel and living, publication, workshop, documentation, performance and library.
For the implementation of a Foundation Project by IFA under Arts Projects (Research/Practice) which will create a theatre performance based on a queer person’s experiences of crisis intervention for gender and sexual minority communities, across police stations in Bangalore. Drawing upon instances of discrimination, violence, stigma, humiliation, conspiracies, homophobia and humour that have been part of these experiences, this project will bring them alive through theatre and installations. The outcomes from this project will be the play script and the theatre performance. The Project Coordinator's deliverables to IFA with the final report will be still and video recordings of the performance and a copy of the play script. Project funds will pay for contract fees, materials, travel and living, venue hire, food, equipment hire, documentation, costumes and publicity.
For the implementation of a Foundation Project by IFA which will facilitate research towards three to four scholarly essays and long form visual articles based on the materials available at the Queer Archive for Memory, Reflection and Activism (QAMRA) archival project at National Law School of India University (NLSIU), Bengaluru. The project will critically examine the archival materials to historicise Section 377 and trace the cultural and socio-political struggle towards decriminalising homosexuality in India. The project will also explore the idea of community in the ways they are imagined and formed by queer persons. The outcome for the project will consist of the three to four essays and long-from articles, and a possible symposium. The Project Coordinator’s final deliverables will be the essays, long-from visual articles and the proceedings or recordings from the symposium if it happens. This is a collaboration with the QAMRA at NLSIU Bengaluru. Project funds will pay for contract fees and travel and living.
For the implementation of a Foundation Project by IFA titled Children as Citizens which will engage 35 students from the Kiddy Kingdom Academy Samiti, in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, to explore the city they inhabit as a learning environment through its history, heritage, and culture. The project attempts to foster a sense of belonging among the children and equip and encourage them to participate in decision-making for their urban environment. The outcome of the project will be a public exhibition, performance, publication and a process document of the entire project. The Project Coordinator’s deliverables to IFA with the final report will be photographs, the copies of the publication, the process document and video documentation of the entire project. Project funds will pay for material, travel and living, contract fees, exhibition, purchase of books, and documentation.
For the implementation of a Foundation Project by IFA which will develop a physical exhibition and a series of associated programmes on public health messaging of queer-trans community drawing from the resources and materials available at the Queer Archive for Memory, Reflection and Activism (QAMRA) at National Law School of India University, (NLSIU) Bengaluru. The project will explore the representation of queer and trans people in general, sexual and reproductive health messaging. The outcomes for the project will be the physical exhibition tentatively titled Queering Public Health Messaging, a series of programmes on public health messaging of queer-trans community, and a resource bank of inclusive healthcare and communication system in Bangalore. The Project Coordinator’s deliverables along with the final reports will be the research, catalogue and communications materials from the exhibition and the recordings and photographs from the public engagements along with the queer-friendly resource bank for healthcare. This is a collaboration with the QAMRA at NLSIU Bengaluru. Project funds will pay for production, contract fees, travel and living, printing, and publicity and marketing.
For the implementation of a Foundation Project by IFA under Explorations which will engage 25 women from Self-Help Groups from Satwas, Madhya Pradesh, in reclaiming public spaces through exploring leisure with gatherings, potlucks, music and game sessions as a way of building solidarities. The outcome of the project will be the leisurely gatherings, a co-created mixed media artwork, and its 25 framed copies which will be given to each one of them. The Project Coordinator’s deliverables to IFA with the final report will be audio visual documentation of the artistic process, and the image of the artwork. Project funds will pay for contract fees, materials, travel and living, and printing.
For the implementation of a Foundation Project by IFA under Arts Projects (Research/Practice) which will create a theatre performance that will attempt to capture vignettes of Bangalore through the lived experiences of a single woman in the city, and their interactions with the working class and queer communities. By engaging sensorially with 20 locations across Bangalore, the performance titled Nantu (bond, in Kannada) will explore the artist’s personal experiences as well as the collective sense of belonging, memory, loss, helplessness, and survival for marginalised communities in a vast city like Bangalore. The outcome of this project will be the performance. The Project Coordinator’s deliverables to IFA with the final report will be still and video documentation of the rehearsals and the performance. Project funds will pay for contract fees, sets and costumes, documentation, travel and living, hire of equipment, hire of venue, and stationery.
For the implementation of a Foundation Project by IFA which will develop a physical exhibition, a multi-modal book and a symposium drawing from the materials at the Herbarium located at the Institut Français de Pondichéry (IFP). The project will explore the Herbarium as a site of scientific knowledge focusing on processes of knowledge production, archiving practices and the use of the data for research as well as pedagogic and public history purposes. The outcomes of the project will be an exhibition tentatively titled Landscapes/Labscapes, a multimodal book as an extension of the exhibition chronicling the story of the herbarium, and a symposium. The Project Coordinator’s final deliverables will be the images from the exhibition, the multi-modal book and recordings of the proceedings from the symposium. This is a collaboration with the Institut Français de Pondichéry (IFP). Project funds will pay for travel and living, contract fees, and production.
For the implementation of a Foundation Project by IFA under Explorations which will attempt to find expressions for the trans-generational trauma endured by women in the context of Dalit-Christian inheritance, using embroidery and knitting - skills that women artists have historically used as tools for political and feminist resistance. This will be explored by a mother-daughter duo. The outcomes of the project will be a compilation of oral histories, sketches leading to experiments with fabric dyeing and cyanotypes, and the embroidery samplers. The Project Coordinator’s deliverables to IFA with the final report will be photographs and audio-visual documentation of the research travels, and soft copies of the preliminary sketches, dyed fabrics, cyanotypes, and embroidery samplers. Project funds will pay for materials, travel and living, contract fees, and the hire of equipment.
For the implementation of a Foundation Project by IFA under Explorations which will bring together artists who are friends in late night potluck sessions in order to compile a lexicon of multilingual terms and neologisms that point to the disruptions caused by digital screens in our everyday lives, including our sleeping and eating habits with a focus on the deferral of the night. The outcomes of the project will be five potluck sessions and a larger session to conclude the project, an artist’s book, and the web tool of the lexicon. The Project Coordinator’s deliverables to IFA with the final report will be audio/visual documentation of the potluck sessions, a copy of the artist’s book, and an offline version of the web tool. Project funds will pay for contract fees, travel and living, printing and online subscriptions.
For the implementation of a Foundation Project by IFA under Explorations which will experiment with creating an interactive e-comic book accompanied by soundtracks and visualisations, giving contemporary inflections to stories from Khasi folklore. The outcome of the project will be the interactive e-comic book, with an accompanying soundtrack as a YouTube album playlist with visualisations. The Project Coordinator’s deliverables to IFA with the final report will be a soft copy of the e-comic book, offline versions of the soundtracks and visualisations, and links to the YouTube album playlist. Project funds will pay for contract fees, travel and living, hire of equipment, and stationery.
For the implementation of a Foundation Project by IFA which will engage fifth and sixth grade students of Government Higher Primary School in Honnesara, Shivamogga district with the project titled – nannuru nanageshtu gottu?! (How much do I know of my city?!) Students will explore the regional history of Shivamogga through a series of lecture sessions and field visits by connecting it to their curriculum in social science and languages. The outcome of this project will be a performance. The Project Coordinator’s deliverables to IFA with the final report will include still and video documentation of the process and the performance. Project funds will pay for contract fees, travel and living, performance, food, printing, and stationery.
For the implementation of a Foundation Project by IFA under Explorations which will involve traveling through the West Coast of India, to explore imperial fort debris, lagoon ecosystems, and people’s narratives of resistance movements in these places against the onslaught of aggressive development, towards the making of a lecture performance. The outcome of the project will be the lecture performance. The Project Coordinator’s deliverables to IFA with the final report will be photographs and audio-visual documentation of the travels and the lecture performance. Project funds will pay for travel and living, contract fees, and materials.